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10 Healthy Tips to Surviving Christmas

Holiday season means temptations are hiding behind every corner and somehow the

Christmas cookie jar magically finds its way into our line of sight.

But have no fear, your "no-dieting" Dietitian is here!

I have put together 10 healthy tips to help you survive the holiday buffet like a pro and avoid having to loosen your belt at the dinner table this Christmas.

Oooh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree … the merriest and personally I think the most beautiful time of the year. My Husband jokes and says our house looks like a winter wonderland (ain’t mad about that! LOL) right now because this is my most favorite time of the year! The malls are crowded, the grocery stores are chaotic, and our hair is totally frizzed up from stress and figuring out what in the world to get our loved ones.

Just kidding!

But seriously, has anyone experienced these feelings lately (both of my hands are raised!)?? Unfortunately, holiday stress does NOT help the scale go in the direction we want nor is our willpower present to help fight temptations at holiday events.


Stress causes the oh-so lovely and never welcomed hormone Cortisol to increase. This hormone helps to regulate our metabolisms and at increased levels it can cause an increase in your appetite which then leads to increased snacking on foods that may not be the healthiest of options. So, to help you stay on track for this coming new year and keep that pesky hormone, Cortisol, at bay I’ve put together a few tips to help you tackle those temptations like a pro.

Christmas Blog
1. Freezer + Leftovers = your new best friend! Christmas dinner may be one of the most delicious meals of the year, but it is also a very popular time for all of us to magically forget our nutrition goals (shocked, I know!). Instead of grabbing the largest plate snag the smaller plate to monitor your portion sizes and avoid going back for seconds…that is what leftovers are for! This effort will help you not only stay on track towards your weight loss goals, but will also help keep you from having to loosen your pants at the dinner table (yikes!).

2. Eat before you go to any holiday event. This will help keep you from overindulging and giving in to temptations.

3. Christmas cookies are making a front and center appearance at bakeries & the grocery store now! So, to help keep your weight loss goals on track never go hungry to these places. Whether you’re hungry or hangry, it is very common to throw that willpower you’ve worked so hard for to the side.

4. Be a DD (#designateddriver) for the night. When you digest alcohol it turns to sugar in your body. That excess sugar you build up in your body is stored as fat and leads to unwanted weight gain

5. Swap your high fat / sugar drink mixers for lower calorie options. Such as, club soda, squeeze of fresh fruit into your drink, or use 100% fresh fruit juice instead of those with added sugars so you can enjoy the nutritional benefits. For drinks that call for heavy whipping cream try half & half instead and LIMIT your intake to only 1.

6. My big Sis is the baker in the family and she is incredible at it! If you’re like her then bake away, but give your amazing and delicious creations to neighbors, family and friends as gifts instead. Getting these tasty treats out of the house will help reduce your temptations. Out of sight, out of mind!

7. If you are a stress-ball this holiday season, try to include more of these stress reducing foods in to your diet: fresh fruits, nuts and seeds, dark chocolate (in moderation), avocadoes, chicken or seafood, magnesium-rich vegetables (broccoli, spinach, avocadoes), and avoid eating processed foods.

8. Do you feel the holiday stress creeping on, but have 1000 more things to get done??
Take time for yourself and go on a 10 minute break. Go for a family walk/hike, enjoy the Christmas lights in your neighborhood, or call a friend!

9. Drink water!! Often times we think we’re hungry but it's actually your body telling you to drink more water. If you feel hungry and are tempted to snack then drink 8oz of water and wait 20-30 minutes. Still feel hungry? Then snag a small healthy snack like veggie slices with Greek yogurt ranch dip, a small apple, or 1 cup of lightly salted popcorn withOUT butter. Don’t feel hungry anymore?? Then step away from the kitchen!

10. For my late night snackers…start a Christmas tradition of turning off the TV and playing a board game with your family or joining your loved ones on a neighborhood walk to see the beautiful Christmas lights. When the kitchen is cleaned after dinner then the kitchen is closed - wise words from my Mom! Taking time to get out of the house to enjoy the fresh air and holiday lights will help to keep your mind off of the sweet treats you have sneakily stored in the kitchen.
My goal as your “no-dieting” Dietitian is to help you always feel your absolute BEST.

So, why not make that happen NOW?

Remember, this is the most beautiful time of the year.

So ENJOY it!!

Take time to step away from the to-do list and ENJOY your time with family and friends this holiday season.

From my family to yours, I hope you have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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