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Cheers to a New Year!

New Year, New You!...New Years Resolutions...Thank goodness last year is over, and
now on to this year!...CHEERS to 2022!!

Any of these sound familiar?? We've all heard them before but have you actually taken the time to think about what these words mean to YOU??

The beginning of a NEW YEAR is a time of reflection (sorry to go hallmark movie-esk on you there) and as cheesy as that sounds it really is!

REFLECT on this past year.

Forget about politics, forget about regrets, forget about stresses in your life right now and just FOCUS ON YOURSELF.

Be selfish!!

Be. Selfish.

These might be the 2 BEST words in the world and yet a lot of us are nervous to act on them (well, maybe some of you aren't lol).

I know I am!


I want you to take just 5 minutes out of your crazy schedule today and take time for yourself to REFLECT (are you seeing a pattern yet?) on this past year and your health.

Did you have one too many drinks at times, snacked more than usual, let a stressful day guide your hands to the cookie jar one too many times?

Like I tell alllll of my clients...


Never ever let these moments of getting off track bring you down, but instead think about what led you to getting off track in the first place.

Think about how you can BETTER YOURSELF this NEW YEAR.

I've said it once and I've said it 1000 times.


And stop beating yourself up just because you ate a cookie or two (Shoot, your "no-dieting" dietitian already ate a Christmas cookie tonight!). Take time for yourself this new year and REFLECT on how you can BETTER YOURSELF this coming year.

And're never ever alone!

Your "no-dieting" Dietitian is here to help you stay on track this coming year!
So, if you're ready to take that first step towards a healthier year then give me a call today and lets work together to get you FINALLY feeling your best once and for all.

From my family to yours, have a happy and healthy New Years!

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