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Say Goodbye to Dieting!!

Healthy Salad

Woah! Did you say no more dieting?? That's right, I said it!

Are you ready to say goodbye to annoying calorie counting and fad diets that don't work?? Thanks to social media we are constantly faced with weight loss frustration and I completely understand!

You've been trying for what feels like forever to feel and look your best but nothing seems to work! My passion for nutrition and goal for all of my clients is to help you finally feel your best and maintain your weight loss for the long term.


No matter what you hear, see, or read there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to our nutrition. Are you ready to finally feel your best

once and for all!

What We Offer

At Nutrition Refocused we empower you to reach your Nutrition goals through evidence-based
food and nutrition science

weight loss

Whether you're looking to
lose, gain, or just want to get back
to feeling your best we offer a

comprehensive weight management program

Meal Planning

meal planning
Pregnancy nutrition

Prenatal + Postnatal Nutrition

Diabetes Management

Diabetes nutrition

Supplement Recommendations...

Click our Fullscripts link below to create a FREE account & shop my virtual dispensary of

practitioner-grade supplements at a LOW COST!

nutrition supplements

It's difficult to start living a healthier life if you don't know how to shop smart! During the
Grocery Store Tour
I will show you how to navigate the store while continuing to stay on track with your weight loss goals. 

grocery store

Bariatric Nutrition 

before & after


bariatric surgery nutrition

Are you ready to finally reach your goals??

sports nutrition

Sports Performance Nutrition
to help you reach
your performance goals & feel your best on game day!

Individual 1:1 Nutrition Counseling

 Group Sessions


Corporate Wellness Program

nutrition counseling

Create a FREE account & shop around in the

virtual dispensary of practitioner - grade supplements.

You will NOT believe how LOW these prices are!

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